

Mannequin configuration lives in the .mannequin.php at the root of your project. You should create this file, starting from the following example:

 * Create a finder to search and list the static HTML files.
$htmlFiles = Finder::create()

$htmlExtension = new HtmlExtension([
    'files' => $htmlFiles,
    'root' => __DIR__,

 * Create and return the configuration.  Don't forget to return it!
return MannequinConfig::create()
    // JS and CSS can either be local (relative paths from the root),
    // or remote (absolute URLs)

HTML Configuration

The HtmlExtension is what tells Mannequin how to access your Twig templates. The mandatory arguments are the finder and the twig_root, but you can pass in twig_options as well:


$twigExtension = new HtmlExtension([
    // A Symfony Finder object.
    'finder' => $htmlFiles,
    // The path to your 'root' directory. This is used
    // to convert absolute paths into relative ones.
    'root' => __DIR__

For more documentation on the Finder, see the Symfony Finder documentation.

Mannequin Config

The MannequinConfig class handles configuration for Mannequin in general (the non-Drupal parts). The configuration has a number of methods you can use to define your setup:


$config = MannequinConfig::create();

// Add an extension to the Mannequin configuration:

// Set the CSS files that are used for every component.  CSS can be referenced
// using a relative path, in which case it will be looked up
// relative to your .mannequin.php, or an absolute URL.

// Set the JS files that are used for every component.  JS can be referenced
// using a relative path, in which case it will be looked up
// relative to your .mannequin.php, or an absolute URL.